UIIP NASB - Dissertations defense
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Dissertations defense


In 2020, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended their dissertations:

M. Spryndžuk defended his сandidate dissertation “System of analysis of microscopic images of lymphatic capillaries of endocrine tumors” in the specialty 05.11.17 — “Devices, systems and medical products” (Council for the Defense of Dissertations D 02.15.06 at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, scientific supervisor — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Professor of BSUIR L. Lyńkoŭ). 


In 2019, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended their dissertations:

Vitaĺ A. Liaŭčuk “Algorithms for analyzing digital biomedical images based on the superpixel approach” for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.01 — “System analysis, information management and processing”. Scientific supervisor — Candidate of Technical Sciences Vasiĺ А. Kavalioŭ.

Raman S. Siarhiejeŭ  “Algorithms for analysis and search for associations in genetic data” for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.01 — “System analysis, management and information processing”. Scientific supervisor — Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor A. Tuzikaŭ.


In 2018, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended 2 сandidate dissertations: 

Paviel V. Lukaševič “Image analysis algorithms for navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles for the purpose of aerial photography and the selection of buildings” for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.01 — “System analysis, information management and processing”. The work was carried out at the UIIP NAS of Belarus. Scientific supervisor — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences B. Zalieski.

Ivan A. Kašyn “Computer screening and identification of potential HIV-1 inhibitors based on high-affinity ligands of virus envelope proteins” for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences in the specialty 02.00.10 — bioorganic chemistry. Scientific supervisor — Doctor of Chemical Sciences A. Andryjanaŭ. 


In 2018, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended 1 сandidate dissertation: 

Andrej M. Bandaloŭski “Models of revenue management in the hotel business” — defense in recertification in the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.13 — “Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics”, scientific supervisor — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M. Kavalioŭ.


In 2015, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended 2 candidate dissertations:

Aliaksandr A. Dzmitruk “Methods and algorithms for searching medical images by content” for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.01 — “System analysis, management and information processing”, scientific supervisor — Candidate of Technical Sciences, V. Kavalioŭ (date of the defense 04.04.2015).

Vadzim Ju. Skabcoŭ “Development of structural methods for constructing tests for discrete devices using polysemantic alphabets” — defense in recertification in the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.12 — “Design automation systems”. The dissertation was defended on June 30, 1998 in the Council for the Defense of Dissertations at Donetsk State University (Ukraine), laboratory No. 224


In 2016, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended 1 candidate dissertation:

Andrej M. Bandaloŭski "Models of hotel business revenue management" – defense in recertification in the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.13 – "Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics", scientific supervisor – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor M. Kavalioŭ.


In 2015, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended 2 candidate dissertations:

Aliaksandr A. Dmitruk "Methods and algorithms for searching medical images by content" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, management and processing of information", scientific supervisor – candidate of technical sciences V. Kavalioŭ (defence date – 14.04.2015).

Vadzim Ju. Skabcoŭ "Development of structural methods for constructing tests for discrete devices using multivalued alphabets" – defenсe in recertification in the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.12 – "Design automation systems". The dissertation was defended on June 30, 1998 at the Council for the Defense of Dissertations at Donetsk State University (Ukraine), laboratory number 224.


In 2014, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended 2 candidate dissertations:

Valiancin V. Hančanka "Algorithms for recognizing areal objects in aerial photographs of agricultural fields based on brightness and textural features" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, management and information processing", scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences, associate professor A. Dudkin (defence date – 28.01.2014);

Larysa U. Areškina "Image processing algorithms in the tasks of continuous satellite monitoring of objects on the earth's surface" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, control and information processing", scientific supervisor – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor A. Tuzikaŭ (defence date – 13.02.2014).

In 2014, 7 graduate students defended their candidate dissertations:

Alulu Mehdi Modjtaba "Algorithms for detection and segmentation of objects in medical images using active templates" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, control and information processing", scientific supervisor – candidate of technical sciences V. Kavalioŭ (defence date – 11.03.2014);

Majidnejad Vahid Mohammad "Method for detecting pathology of the vocal tract based on a machine on support vectors and a genetic algorithm" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, control and information processing", scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences B. Labanaŭ (defence date – 11.03.2014);

Golami Omid Ahmad "Algorithms for servicing requests with various routes by sequential and parallel devices and their application for drawing up train schedules" for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes", scientific supervisor – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Ju. Sackoŭ (defence date – 18.03.2014);

Khasani Keramat Mansur "Mathematical models and heuristic algorithms for servicing systems with parallel devices and a server" for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes", scientific supervisor – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences S. Kraŭčanka (defence date – 22.04.2014);

Tagawi Afshorl Said Hossein "Algorithms for the decomposition of Boolean functions based on the tabular method" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.12 – "Design automation systems", scientific supervisor – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Ju. Patosin (defence date – 28.04.2014);

Tati Reikhaneh Hosseinali "Method of constructing fuzzy inference systems for detecting network anomalies" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, control and information processing", scientific supervisor – candidate of philosophical sciences D. Viatčenin (defence date – 23.09.2014);

Ivan U. Aniščanka "Computer modeling of new potential anti HIV agents blocking the GP 120 protein of the virus envelope" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes", scientific supervisor – doctor of chemical sciences A. Andryjanaŭ (defence date – 07.10.2014).


The dissertation "Algorithms for analyzing and predicting structural changes in proteins during interaction" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes" was defended by Tacciana U. KIRYS  on March 5, scientific supervisor– A. Tuzikaŭ.

The dissertation "Algorithms for decomposition of microcircuit topology objects into a set of rectangular elements" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.12 – "Design automation systems" was defended by Aliaksandr A. VORANAŬ on September 24, scientific supervisor – A. Dudkin.

The dissertation "Neural network models of intelligent control systems for robotic devices" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes" was defended by Ryhor A. PRAKAPOVIČ on September 24, scientific supervisor – A. Krot.

The dissertation "Image analysis for the tasks of micro- and nanoscopic monitoring and diagnostics" for the degree of doctor of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, control and information processing" was defended by Aliaksandr M. NIADŹVIEDŹ on October 8, scientific consultant – S. Ablamiejka.


The dissertation "Algorithms for processing images of the eye iris for personality recognition systems" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, management and processing of information" was defended by Julijaj I. Monič. Scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences, professor V. Staravojtaŭ.

The dissertation "Representations optimization of Boolean function systems for reducing the complexity and power consumption of combinational circuits" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences was defended by Paviel V. Liavončyk on March 20, 2012.

The dissertation "ALGORITHMS OF TEXT LINGUISTIC PROCESSING FOR BELARUSIAN AND RUSSIAN SPEECH SYNTHESIS" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences was defended by Ju. Hiecevič on June 28, 2012.

The dissertation "Algorithms for constructing optimal schedules for servicing requests with interval durations, changeovers of devices and their application for planning working hours" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 - "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes" was defended by Natallia H. Jahorava on September 25, 2012.


The dissertation "Modeling and software-algorithmic support of intelligent video surveillance systems" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes" was defended by Jaŭhien A. KRASNABAJEŬ on September 27, 2011 (scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences, professor Aliaksandr S. KLIUČNIKAŬ).

The dissertation "Models and algorithms of information search in a multilingual environment based on thematic and dynamic text corpora" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes" was defended by Aliaksiej A. MAMČYČ on September 27, 2011 (scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences, associate professor Stanislaŭ F. LIPNICKI).

The dissertation "Construction of tests for assessing the performance of regular structures and checking the correct functioning of digital blocks of integrated circuits for radio frequency contactless identification" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.13.12 – "Design automation systems" was defended by M. Aŭdziejeŭ on May 10, 2011 at 14.30 in the cab. 206. Scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences, professor P. Bibila.

The dissertation "Verification of logical descriptions of combinational devices in the presence of functional uncertainty" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.12 – "Design automation systems" was defended by D. Novikaŭ on March 15, 2011. Scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences L. Čaramisinava. The dissertation was completed at the UIIP NAS of Belarus.

In 2010, the staff of the UIIP NAS of Belarus defended 4 candidate dissertations:

- U. Baldzin "Development of models for the formation of aerohydrodynamic structures and methods of their attractor representation in the problems of modeling flows in flow parts of machine-building structures" for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes", scientific supervisor – doctor of technical sciences, professor A. Krot

- N. Matviejčuk "Properties of optimal schedules for two-stage servicing systems with indefinite durations of operations and given availability intervals of devices" for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 05.13.18 – "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes", scientific supervisor – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Ju. Sackoŭ

- A. Liulis "Algorithms and technology for entering large-format documents by fragmentary scanning" for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, control and information processing", scientific supervisor - doctor of technical sciences, professor H. Aliaksiejeŭ

- S. Aliaksiejeŭ "Methods of calculation and technical implementation of induction systems of electromagnetic tablet and sectional digitizers with phase methods of coordinate measurements'' for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – "System analysis, control and information processing", scientific supervisor – academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, doctor technical sciences, professor S. Ablamiejka

In 2010, the employee of the UIIP NAS of Belarus A. Dudkin defended doctoral dissertation "Methods and algorithms for processing and analysis of digital images of topological layers of integrated circuits" for the degree of doctor of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – "System Analysis, Management and Information Processing", scientific consultant – doctor of technical sciences, professor R. Sadychaŭ

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