Objectives and functions of the institute
Objectives of the UIIP NAS of Belarus:
fundamental and applied scientific research in fixed scientific areas;
identification of fundamentally new ways of scientific and technological progress, implementation of applied scientific research and development of information technologies and software and hardware complexes in priority areas of scientific and technical activities;
development of recommendations for using scientific research results of the Institution in practice, their support during the development in production;
development and operation of the scientific and information network of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus with providing access to the Internet and international scientific and educational networks;
development of measures, coordination, researching and elaborations on scientific (scientific and methodological) support of the development processes of the scientific and technical information system;
strategy and technology development for the formation of an information society and the creation of a single information space of the Republic of Belarus;
carrying out scientific investigations of the most important scientific, technical and national economic programs, innovation projects and drafts of regulatory legal acts according to the profile of the Institutionby order of the Academy of Sciences;
studying and generalizing the achievements of world science according to the profile of the Institution and promoting their practical use;
training highly qualified scientific personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies;
advanced training of researchers and specialists, including in foreign scientific centers;
development of native scientific and technical potential, creation and dissemination of new methods and means of researching patterns, phenomena and processes;
social protection, protection of the rights and legal interests of the Institution employees.
Scientific directions:
The institute trains scientific personnel in postgraduate studies (since 1965) and doctoral studies (since 1988). There is a council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science.
The institute organizes training for employees of industrial enterprises.