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1. Grants to the staff of the LMSS from 1997 to 2000 within the framework of the international scientific project ISTC B-95 “Theory and methods of discrete dynamical systems in applications to digital signal processing problems”, funded by the USA and Sweden (project manager – Professor A.M. Krot, project collaborators – Nobel Prize laureate, Professor I. Prigozhin (Belgium/USA) as well as Professor M. Vetterli (USA/Switzerland), Professor S. Holm (Norway), Professor P. Duhamel (France)).

2. International scholarship within the framework of the "World Federation of Scientists National Scholarship Program":
  • to graduate student V.A. Baldin for a period of 1 year (2008-2009) for the work “The model for weakly turbulent flow in boundary layer past a concave surface with usage of nonlinear dynamics methods”,
  • to the applicant Prokopovich G.A. for a period of 1 year (2015-2016) for the work “Development of adaptive robot control system based on nonlinear analysis of the artificial neural network state".
3. Personal grant of the President of the Republic of Belarus to the Head of the LMSS, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor A.M. Krot for outstanding contribution to the socio-economic development of Belarus in 2007.

4. Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented and young scientists:
  • graduate student Prokopovich G.A. in 2013,
  • to the graduate student Sychov V.A. in 2015.
5. Individual grants for the performance of research works by postgraduates of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus:
  • grants No. 23 to Baldin V.A. and Kalinovsky A.A. for research in the field of computational aerohydrodynamics (2007-2008);
  • grant to Prokopovich G.A. "Development of algorithms and software for spatial orientation of an autonomous mobile robot", No. GR 20091833, (2009-2010);
  • grant to Sychov V.A. "Development of interaction algorithms and research of the behavior of collective robots for solving applied problems" (2010).
6. Grants within the framework of BRFFI projects for young scientists:
  • grants to Baldin V.A. and Kalinovsky A.A. on the youth project F09M-127 of the BRFFI "Study of the interpretation of the results obtained for model hydroaerodynamic flows with the curvature of current lines when compared with the results of CFD modeling of real flows in machine-building structures" (2009-2010);
  • grants to Prokopovich G.A. and Sychov V.A. on the youth project No.F10M-190 "Development and research of algorithms of behavior of flock robots for search and research works", No. GR 20101795 (2010-2012);
  • grants to Prokopovich G.A. and Kozhukh V.S. for the youth project F14M-139 "Development of algorithms for remote centralized control of a group of mobile robots" (2014-2016).
  • grants for the youth project No. F20M-112 "Analysis and modeling of nonlinear processes in the state space of the navigation complex of an unmanned aerial vehicle" (2020-2022). Responsible executor Kozhukh V.S., head Ivanov A.G.
7. Grants to LMSS employees within the framework of projects of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research (BRFFI):
  • grants for the Belarusian-Ukrainian BRFFI-GFFIU project No. F11K-169 "Development and research of methods and algorithms for secret and secure transmission of information in the tasks of group control of mobile robots and mobile systems" (2011-2013, scientific leadership – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prof. Krot A.M., responsible executor – Prokopovich G.A.);
  • grants for the Belarusian-Ukrainian BRFFI-RFBR project No. F12R-116 "Research and development of the theoretical foundations of complex dynamic systems in applications to self–organizing distributed control systems for groups of robotic devices" (2012-2014, scientific leadership - Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prof. Krot A.M., responsible executor – Sychov V.A.);
  • grants for the Belarusian-Ukrainian BRFFI-GFFIU project No. F13K-144 "Development of methods of operational processing and transmission of information for effective management of mobile robots and mobile systems" (2013-2015, scientific leadership – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Krot A.M., responsible executor – Candidate of Engineering Sciences Prokopovich G.A.);
  • grants for the Belarusian-Ukrainian BRFFI-GFFIU project No. F15UK A-048 "Development of algorithms for processing, coding, analysis and transmission of sensory data for drawing up three–dimensional maps of the terrain in the tasks of orientation of mobile robots and unmanned vehicles" (2015-2017, scientific leadership - Doctor of Engineering Sciences, prof. Krot A.M., responsible executor – Gerasyuto S.L.);
  • grants for the BRFFI project No. F17-122 "Analytical and computer modeling of nonlinear processes occurring in plasma emission electronics devices" (2017-2019, scientific leadership – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prof. The Krot A.M. the responsible executor is Kozhukh V.S.).
  • grants for the Belarusian-Russian project No. F20R-329 "Theoretical foundations for the study of wave processes and phenomena in the ionosphere using signals from satellite radio navigation systems" (2020-2022, scientific leadership, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Prof. Krot A.M., otv. performer Shapkin A.S.
8. Grants in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 8, 2019 No. 4 ”On granting grants of the President of the Republic of Belarus in science, education, healthcare, culture":

  • grants to Prof. A. M. Krot for the development of the theoretical foundations of the origin of chaotic wave processes in planetary systems, aerohydrodynamic devices and electronic circuits as well as the creation of information technologies for computer modeling of aerohydrodynamic and electrodynamic processes for the improvement of mechanical engineering products and electronic devices (2019).